Services Pricing

Start up

$ 499
*Tk 49,000
  • Up to 3-page
  • Blog included
  • Free SSL - Security
  • SEO optimized
  • Wordpress, wix or shopify
  • Optional monthly support
  • Delivery time 2 weeks

Small Business

$ 699
*Tk 69,000
  • Silver package
  • Up to 10-page website
  • Up to 3 revisions
  • SEO optimized
  • Mobile friendly design
  • Wordpress, wix or shopify
  • 1 month support included
  • Delivery time 6 weeks


$ 999
*Tk 99,000
  • Gold package
  • Up to 30-page website
  • Up to 5 revisions
  • SEO optimized
  • Wordpress, wix or shopify
  • 3 month support included
  • Delivery time 12 weeks

What Our Websites Include

Mobile, Tablet, Responsive

Mobile/Tablet Responsive

 Aseamless viewing experience on mobile/tablets.

SEO Optimization

Quickly get found online for what
you do

Social Media Integration

Market your new websites by connecting social media profiles.

Fast Website Speed

You’ll have quick load times to keep users engaged. 

Google Analytics

Data to see how your site is


Around-the-clock security from